BoM Compare Tool

A BoM or “Bill of Materials” is a table with information about various materials.

Matnr Description Price
100 a material 100
101 other material 20
102 third material 50

A heading for each column and information below.


In larger companies, you often have products that contain an incredible number of components.
Here it is important that the components are the same in all systems and that the information is the same.


This is where our BoM compare tool comes into the picture.
With our BoM compare tool, you can quickly get an overview of the difference between two tables.

The website manipulates the tables so that even if they have different headings and number of columns, they can still be compared.

When the two tables are compared, it will update the website with a table showing the headers for both tables.

Under the headings, it will show:

Rows that are in both tables
Rows that have changed
Rows that are unique

You can find our BoM Compare Tool here
An example of the page to give an overview:

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