Process Automation in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

We specialize in automating complex business processes within Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) using advanced technology

By implementing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in administrative areas, we achieve significant advantages. Automation within PLM holds great potential and offers, among other things:


Faster Time-to-Market

Accelerated launches provide a direct competitive advantage

Reduced Costs

Process optimization lowers costs

Increased Innovation

Design engineers are freed to focus on innovation

Strong Digital Thread

Ensures a seamless flow of digital information

Improved Data Quality

Reduces errors and increases reliability

To achieve maximum efficiency, we recommend creating multiple targeted workflows rather than a single, overarching solution. Tools to manage these workflows are typically found in PLM and ERP systems.

Common Challenges Companies Face:

  • Lack of Overview of Existing Processes.

  • Fragmented process execution and PLM data management.

  • Inconsistent or missing categorization of PLM objects such as parts, models, and documents.

  • Underutilization of existing PLM software features.

  • Dependence on tools like Excel and email, as well as tacit knowledge.

  • Difficulty in identifying automation opportunities.

The Road to PLM Process Automation

Identify Potential

Identify trivial repetitive tasks or processes where the business could gain from automating.

Streamline Process

Map the as-is process, simplify and design the to-be process.

Categorise Artefacts

Classify and define rules for each category.


Use a combination of workflows, customisations and Robot Process Automation (RPA) tools to automate the process.

Validate & Monitor

Validate the automation and monitor.


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